*I start drying you off* I am not asking a lot, just don’t run away… Scream to me, throw stuff at me but be here and tell me how mad you are… Make me sleep in the couch but stay here with me…

I promise!… *I wipe my tears* I promise I won’t run away…I’ll go all nuts if you want me too *I laughed a bit there* I can get crazy like since they told us to do that in method acting class in school… and when I say a promise, I keep Lance. You know how loyal I’m at that…

You make me better to but when you just leave I feel like my heart is gone too… Carter told me to tell you about how I thought on taking my life because you weren’t picking my calls… I though I had loose you forever… *I finish cleaning you and move to close the water and take the towel putting it around you*

*I froze there in my spot after hearing what you just said, but couldn’t for long and sat in my chair trying to process what my actions have almost brought us to* I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry…. *I whispered under my sobs*













“skip dinner and become thinner” more like “skip dinner and you have an eating disorder please get help”

“a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips” more like “a moment on the lips is okay to have, please take care of yourself in this lifetime”

“every time you eat you delay becoming skinnier” more like “every time you eat you give your body the nutrients it needs in order to survive, please keep surviving”

“you’ll be able to wear whatever you want when you get to your ugw” more like “you’ll be able to wear whatever you want now because fashion =/= weight”

“Don’t reward yourself with food your not a dog” more like treat yourself because you’re amazing and deserve happiness

This is actually really helpful thanks

I love this post for how it politely demolishes destructive pro ana/mia mantras i love it

“if you can pinch an inch” congrats you have skin and flesh like all humans

I… I… thanks… for sharing this cause I needed a lot.. hopefully anyone who follows me and needs can benefit from it too…

I really wish this was a thing I saw a few years ago, but I’m glad it’s circulation is moving strong. Just like you my wonderful followers <3<3<3 be brave darlings, I believe in you

Take care of yourself, guys. Eating is good for you, your body needs it or it will shut down. If you feel like you need to get healthier or lose weight, there’s tons of ways you can do that, that doesn’t put your body in danger. NEVER STARVE YOURSELF

Needed this ❤

I know but you have to understand that every time you just run away or hide from me I feel like I won’t have you anymore… it hurts me, a lot… *I start cleaning your body*

*I feel very bad about myself because now I couldn’t stop crying to how I let myself think too much about things that it causes everything to spiral down* I do understand…and I can’t excuse for my behavior saying that it’s my emotions controlling how I think. And I know that you know enough about my past the trusting people is very hard for me and even the tiniest bit of betrayal hurts me and my loyalty to someone I deeply care about…I’m still trying everyday because you make me a better person, Lance, and I take that for granted by not letting you say your side of things…